
Tuesday 14 August 2012

Seek Me and Live

At the beginning of this journey with God and how I deal with money, one thing was clear to me: I was not doing it right and I seriously needed guidance from God in how to deal with this. But where to start?

Amos 5 verse 4 gives the perfect answer : God's Message to the family of Israel: "Seek me and live!" (The Message)

There's your answer. Anything preventing you from really LIVING? Seek God first. Really seek God and His will for you you in that area of your life and you will LIVE. In capital letters.

What type of live are we talking here in respect of money?

Sure you need money to live, buy food and shelter, but dealing with money in God's way enabled me more to just live (as opposed to being dead!). It gives my life meaning. "Live" here means living abundantly. Living without fear of not being able to pay my bills, making ends meet without doing a job I know I should not be doing and that I hated to no end. Doing what God asks me to do with the money and resources he blesses me with has made an awesome change in my life and I cannot wait to share it with you. I get up every morning knowing that today I will really LIVE.

So I'm going to start where God started with me.

In May this year God promised me that I would have 6 months to change careers to something He wanted me to do. I worked through "A Purpose Driven Life" as I truly wanted to be sure of what He wanted me to do with the rest of my life.I have prayed a lot about what he wanted me to do.

The answer came every time: Christian Financial Life Coach

My answer was: "Really Father? I don't even know if there is a type of coach like that? And where would I find clients? Who would need someone like that? Who would train me? The experience I've had with coaching wasn't really that good. 

But God reminded me of the dream he placed in my heart to become a life coach, a very very long time ago. He also reminded me that If I struggle with an issue there are many of his children that would struggle with the same thing, and that He wanted to use me to help them.

So now I'm on this path, while holding God's hand very tightly. On 31 October I will officially be starting with formal studies to becoming a certified life coach, while continuing my journey with God and a financial coach he has brought over my path. As to where I will study - that is still the subject of many many prayers for guidance. Since I want to do this for the rest of my life, I want to do it right!

I will share my insights, triumphs and failures here as well as techniques and methods I'll be using to live financially as God intended.

Feel free to comment and share with me as we go along, or just say hi if you are enjoying my blog.

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