
Monday 13 August 2012

Just do it

This blog has been brewing in my heart for a few months. I have prayed about it, trying to reason myself out of this new path. I am not yet qualified in this field and God revealed to me the very thing I struggle with most, as the field He wanted me to coach in.

Again and again,everything I read,heard and watched confirmed for me:
1. I need not be or feel qualified to do what God has created me to do, He will qualify me to do his work and build his kingdom.
2. My past and all my mistakes have been washed away because Jesus died for me on the cross. I can't use my past mistakes to shy away from God's purpose for me - simply because its not there anymore.
3. God has promised me greater things than I can ever imagine for myself, but in return he requires obedience, and any goal He places in my heart can be achieved no matter how impossible it seems: As long as I live in total obedience and in one hundred percent commitment to his goal for me.
This morning as I was getting ready for work I felt God ask me to open the bible as He had something important to show me. I opened the bible at John 2. All of us know the story of Jesus' first miracle really well.
"Three days later there was a wedding in the village of Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there.Jesus and his disciples were guests also.When they started running low on wine at the wedding banquet, Jesus' mother told him, "They're just about out of wine."Jesus said, "Is that any of our business, Mother - yours or mine? This isn't my time. Don't push me."She went ahead anyway, telling the servants, "Whatever he tells you, do it."Six stoneware water pots were there, used by the Jews for ritual washings. Each held twenty to thirty gallons.Jesus ordered the servants, "Fill the pots with water." And they filled them to the brim."Now fill your pitchers and take them to the host," Jesus said, and they did.9When the host tasted the water that had become wine (he didn't know what had just happened but the servants, of course, knew), he called out to the bridegroom,"Everybody I know begins with their finest wines and after the guests have had their fill brings in the cheap stuff. But you've saved the best till now!"This act in Cana of Galilee was the first sign Jesus gave, the first glimpse of his glory. And his disciples believed in him. (The Message)
It was af if a light has suddenly been switched on inside of me. I believe in everything God has promised me, and have become frustrated because these promises have not come to pass. Yet I have not been completely obedient. I have not done what God have asked me to do.
I could not understand how this blog could be important before I am fully qualified as a christian financial life coach, a career I believe God has chosen for me, and which I am very exited and passionate about.
This morning's message was clear. There was no need for me to understand how. I just had to trust God. I just had to do it.
I trust that my journey of getting there in the relationship between God, money and me would resonate with you and will assist and comfort you on your own journey.
Thank you Heavenly Father for you patience and gentle way of teaching me to be obedient in order for Your glory to shine not only in my life, but in the lives of those around me. Amen.

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